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"Get More Watch Time on YouTube with!"

It's no secret that YouTube is one of the most popular website on the Internet. And while it's a great place to watch videos, it's also a great place to make money.  But how do you make money on YouTube? The answer is simple: by getting more watch time on your videos.  And that's where comes in. is a service that helps you get more watch time on your YouTube videos. By optimizing your videos for the YouTube algorithm, can help you get more views, and more money.  So if you're looking to make more money on YouTube, be sure to check out is a great tool to help you get more watch time on YouTube.  1. First, create a channel on  2. Next, upload videos to your channel.  3. third, add keywords to your videos.  4. fourth, add tags to your videos.  5. Fifth, use the custom video player.  6. Sixth, share your videos on social media.  7. Seventh, use the analytics to see how your videos are doing. is a great tool to help you get more watch time on YouTube. is a great tool to help you get more watch time on your YouTube videos. The website allows you to add annotations, links, and other features to your videos that help encourage viewers to watch more of your content.  You can use to add links to other videos on your channel, or to your website. This is a great way to keep viewers engaged with your content, and to get them to watch more of your videos. You can also use to add annotations to your videos. These annotations can be used to provide viewers with additional information about your video, or to encourage them to watch more of your content. is a great tool to help you get more watch time on your YouTube videos. The website allows you to add annotations, links, and other features to your videos that help encourage viewers to watch more of your content. You can use to add links to other videos on your channel, or to your website. This is a great way to keep viewers engaged with your content, and to get them to watch more of your videos. You can also use to add annotations to your videos. These annotations can be used to provide viewers with additional information about your video, or to encourage them to watch more of your content.

1. First, create a channel on

If you want to get more watch time on YouTube, then you should create a channel on This site allows you to upload videos and share them with the world. You can also create playlists, which is a great way to keep your viewers engaged.  Once you have created your channel, make sure to upload high-quality videos that are interesting and informative. You should also try to post new videos on a regular basis so that your viewers have something to watch. If you can provide value to your viewers, they will be more likely to return to your channel and watch your videos.  In addition to creating great content, you should also promote your channel and videos. You can do this by sharing your videos on social media and contacting other bloggers and YouTubers who might be interested in featuring your content. By promoting your channel, you will be able to get more views and subscribers, which will ultimately lead to more watch time.

2. Next, upload videos to your channel.

Assuming you want tips on how to increase watch time on YouTube:   The title of your video is the first thing that will catch a viewer’s attention. Make sure it’s attention-grabbing, relevant to the video, and keyword rich. YouTube’s algorithm favors videos with descriptive titles that accurately reflect the content.   Your thumbnail is the next thing potential viewers will see. Choose something bright and colorful with high contrast so it’s easy to see. People are more likely to click on a video if they can see what it’s about.   The first 10-15 seconds of your video are crucial in hooking the viewer. Start with a bang, and make sure the audio is good quality. This is your chance to make a great first impression.   Finally, consider using annotations and end screens to keep viewers engaged. Annotations are small pop-up boxes that appear during the video and can be used to promote other videos or channels, link to websites, or encourage viewers to subscribe. End screens appear at the end of a video and can be used to promote videos, playlists, or channels.   By following these tips, you can increase your watch time and engagement, which will help your channel grow.

3. third, add keywords to your videos.

Adding keywords to your YouTube videos is a great way to get more watch time. By including keywords in your video titles and descriptions, you can ensure that your videos are more likely to show up in search results. Additionally, including keywords in your video tags will help to further optimize your videos for search.  The title of your video is one of the most important elements when it comes to ranking in YouTube search. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your title in order to increase your chances of appearing in search results. Additionally, your video description should also include keywords. YouTube allows for up to 500 characters in your video description, so make sure to include as many relevant keywords as possible.  Including keywords in your video tags is also a great way to optimize your videos for YouTube search. Tags are basically keywords that you can associate with your videos. By including relevant tags, you can ensure that your videos come up when people search for those terms. YouTube allows for a maximum of 500 characters in your tags, so make sure to include as many relevant keywords as possible.  By including keywords in your video title, description, and tags, you can significantly increase your chances of appearing in YouTube search results. This will ultimately lead to more views and more watch time for your videos.

4. fourth, add tags to your videos.

Videos are not just watched, they are also discovered. And one of the main ways people discover videos on YouTube is through the search function. When someone searches for a keyword on YouTube, the algorithm looks at a number of factors to decide which videos to show in the results. One of those factors is the tags that have been added to the video.  tags are essentially keywords that describe your video. They are one of the few pieces of metadata that you have control over, and so they are worth taking the time to get right.  There are a few things to keep in mind when adding tags to your videos:  1. Use a variety of tags The algorithm looks at a variety of factors to determine which videos to show in the search results, and one of those factors is the variety of tags that have been used. So, don't just use the same few tags over and over again. Use a variety of tags that accurately describe your video.  2. Use relevant tags Your tags should be relevant to the content of your video. If you're making a video about dogs, then sure, include the tag "dogs". But also include tags like "pets", "animals", "cute", etc.  3. Use popular tags The algorithm also looks at how popular a tag is. So, it's worth doing a bit of research to find out which tags are being used most often for the type of video you're making.  4. Use descriptive tags Your tags should be descriptive of your video. So, if your video is about a new type of dog food, a tag like "dog food" is not going to be very helpful. A tag like "new dog food" or "best dog food" would be much more descriptive and, as a result, more helpful.  5. Use long-tail tags Long-tail tags are simply tags that are more specific than the average tag. So, if your video is about a new type of dog food, a long-tail tag might be "natural dog food" or "grain free dog food".  Long-tail tags are particularly important because they can help your video be discovered by people who are specifically looking for that kind of content.  6. Don't stuff your tags Don't try to stuff your tags with a bunch of keywords that have nothing to do with your video. This will not only be ineffective, but it will also likely get you penalized by the algorithm.  7. Add tags to your videos Adding tags to your videos is a great way to help them be discovered by potential viewers. Just be sure to use a variety of relevant, popular, descriptive, and long-tail tags.

5. Fifth, use the custom video player.

If you want to ensure that your videos are getting the most watch time possible on YouTube, then you should definitely consider using the custom video player. This is a player that is specifically designed to help you increase the amount of watch time that your videos get. Here are five reasons why you should use the custom video player:  1. The custom video player can help you better engage with your audience.  2. The custom video player can help you improve the watch time of your videos.  3. The custom video player can help you increase the number of views that your videos get.  4. The custom video player can help you reach a larger audience.  5. The custom video player can help you better monetize your videos.

6. Sixth, share your videos on social media.

Getting more watch time on YouTube can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can do to give your videos a boost. One of those things is to share your videos on social media.  When you share your videos on social media, you are giving them a wider audience and the potential to be seen by more people. Social media is a great way to increase your video views and get more people interested in your content.  In order to make the most of social media, you need to make sure that you are using it correctly. That means posting your videos in the right places and using the right hashtags.  If you post your videos on Facebook, for example, you want to make sure that you are using relevant hashtags so that people can find your content. You also want to make sure that you are posting in relevant groups and pages.  The same goes for Twitter and other social media platforms. If you want to get more views on your videos, you need to make sure that you are using social media to your advantage.  So, if you want to get more watch time on YouTube, make sure you are sharing your videos on social media. It’s a great way to reach a wider audience and get more people interested in your content.

With, you can get more watch time on YouTube without having to worry about your video quality or content. All you need to do is sign up for a free account and start uploading your videos.